Monday, February 06, 2006

A correction & elucidation

In an earlier post I referred to someone unknown who appeared to be a close relation of Terry F*ckwit, a borderline imbecilic who inhabits the pages of Viz. I can now identify and correctly quote this "cousin" of Terry thanks to a second reading of Saturday's Guardian and this nugget, the continuation of the leading article that was somewhat unfortunately tucked away near the bottom of the second page:
Anjem Choudhary, one of the leaders of the demonstration, refused to condemn the threat of another suicide attack in London on the scale of the July 7 bombings as a result of the perceived insult to Islam. "I am not in the business of condoning or condemning," he said.


Blogger berenike said...

och and you were doing so well for a while there. Well, we're still looking in on the worrying neighbour.

15/2/06 8:41 pm  

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